The Louvre is a Doorway to the World by Alondra Torres

This picture is one of my favorites because it captures the evolution of the government and church
as well as the history of France and other parts of the world.  

This image was captured in The Louvre Museum which was originally built as a fortress then served
as a royal palace. Now it stands as the largest museum in the world that attracts millions of tourist

The Louvre is my favorite museum because it is so rich in history even without all the treasures in it.
The Louvre makes you think about the French and New Monarchy, the First Empire, and the Five
French Republic’s, and what events led to the Louvre’s construction. This museum walks you through
the history not only of France like The Coronation of Napoleon but also of Egypt, Greece, Rome and so
much more.

Just like this museum holds great diversity so does Paris, where you have people from all around the globe.
This painting shows Napoleon in Notre Dame, which is the Cathedral of Paris that alone shows the importance
of the battle to find the balance between church and state. The painting is an ideal image to show  
how powerful religion was and how that power has shifted over the years.  

As you look at me you may think I am mimicking Napoleon. I am not, I am smiling because to capture this
moment I stood in front of a big group taking pictures of this exact image. That made me a little nervous, but I was
not going to let a once in a lifetime opportunity slide by. What I am really trying to show that for a person to fully
understand a difference in culture and religion one must interact with the community itself.


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